Kumkumadi Sun Protection Lotion 100ml

₹ 456

Courier charge 40 inside Kerala
Key Features
For men, women and children above 5 years of age
Suitable for all skin types.
Reduces Hyper pigmentation due to sun burn
Improves the overall health of your skin
Provides shield against Sunburn effects
A non-tacky formulae helps to prevent sun spots

It will make your skin look younger on continuous usage and on certain conditions.Free from Paraben, Sulphates, Animal content, Fragrance, Aldehydes, Phthalates, Ethyl alcohol
Kumkumadi oil, Glycerine, Aqua, KOH, Glyceryl monostearte, Cetyl alcohol, Cetocetyl alcohol, Isopropyl myristate, Avobenzone, octocrylene, Stearic acid, Phenoxy ethanol, MethylisothiazolinoneIn
100 ml Pack of 1
Exp Date 18 Months
The best way to protect your skin from UVB and ever-present UVA rays is with daily application of a high-level, bread-spectrum sunscreen. Our Sunscreen has an advantage such that it has natural oil from the traditional texts, which is nothing but a miraculous elixir to skin ""Kumkumadi oil"".
What are UVA, UVB and UVC radiations?
Each has a different wavelength and only UVA and UVB, which have relatively longer wavelengths, can reach the earth's surface.
UVC rays are blocked by the ozone layer; UVA and UVB rays reach the earth and have an effect on the skin.
UVA rays are considered THE major cause of premature ageing, contributing to loss of elasticity, wrinkles, pigmentation and roughness. In fact, up to 90% of visible skin ageing is caused by photo ageing (sun-induced ageing) as opposed to chronological ageing. Activating existing melanin, UVA rays are also responsible for tanning in the short term.
UVB rays, on the other hand, penetrate the surface layers of the skin and are the major contributor to sunburn.
UVB exposure has long been identified as the main cause skin cancer, it is now acknowledged both UVA and UVB rays increase skin cancer risk.

NB: If anyone having font of having sunrays exposure heavily, try to apply the sunscreen every 3 hrs. Of gap; at least a layer.
:1. Apply sunscreen approximately before half an hour of going outdoors to get better absorption by the skin. 2. Use enough sunscreen to fully cover the body especially the skin not covered by clothing. 3. To remain protected when outdoors, reapply sunscreen every 2 hours or immediately after more sweating. 4. Apply sunscreen thickly and thoroughly. 5. Be careful when applying sunscreen around the eyes.

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